Love & Sex Rehab Spain

Sex and love addiction are still not fully understood by all, but they’re very real behavioural disorders that can either co-occur or occur independently of each other. They come under the banner of emotional intimacy behavioural disorders which can have impactful negative consequences on a person’s entire life. Hobbies, interests, work, and relationships can all be affected by a love addiction or sex addiction.

Sex and love addicts can find themselves in risky or dangerous situations such as engaging in risky sexual behaviour with multiple partners or staying in toxic or abusive relationships rather than being alone. Often the underlying causes of these sorts of behavioural issues are low self esteem and fundamental relationship issues with family members, but there can be a range of causes which we can explore together at our residential treatment centre.

Treatment options vary, and not all of them are great, especially if the professional help on offer isn’t tailored specifically to the individual. As we said, love and sexual addiction still aren’t fully accepted and understood by all, which is why you need specialist help.

At InnerLife Recovery, we can offer a tailored treatment plan to any love and sex addict struggling with their behavioural addiction. We have a residential treatment centre in sunny Spain, offering the perfect place to unwind and start your love and sex addiction treatment. Our team of professionals can support you or a loved one through addiction, giving tools to dismantle that addiction and keep you on the road to recovery long after you leave our rehab clinic.

Interested? Contact us today and see how we can help.

Love addiction is characterised by an individual’s compulsive need to seek romantic love. Often this can lead to a cycle of short term relationships, chasing the ‘honeymoon stage’ that often accompanies a new relationship. It can also lead to some individuals dealing with love addiction to stay in a relationship that’s clearly bad for them, as it’s preferable to being alone for them.

If an individual stays in a relationship with someone longer term, then they can often become possessive, jealous, and obsessive about their partner, often demanding more and more time spent and attention received from them.

Love addicts will find that romantic relationships have negative effects on many aspects of their life – including hobbies and interests, work life, social relationships with others, and more.

Stressed young married family couple arguing, blaming each other.
Stressed young married family couple arguing, blaming each other.

Get in touch

Start your journey today by contacting us to speak with one of our knowledgeable advisors for a FREE confidential assessment.

Whether you’re reaching out for yourself or a loved one, we’re here to provide the support and guidance you need, whenever you need it.

Sex addiction, whilst related to love addiction, is a distinct behavioural disorder in its own right. It is characterised by a compulsive need/obsession to seek out sexual pleasure – typically with a partner but it could also feature excessive masturbation, too.

Often individuals with a sex addiction will need to chase the thrill of sex by engaging in risky sexual behaviour – such as having sex with prostitutes or multiple partners – and doing so without thinking of the negative consequences on their romantic partner, for example.

Sex for individuals with an addiction to sex will often be without emotion, as sex addicts generally struggle to connect emotionally with any of their sexual partners, instead using them only for the sexual gratification they can offer, before moving on to find another partner. It’s also true that for many sex addicts, sexual gratification only lasts a short while, before they start to feel a compulsive need for sex again. This can impact every aspect of their life.

How Do Love & Sex Addictions Relate To One Another?

It can be the case that love and sex addictions co-occur – meaning an individual deals with both at the same time – though this isn’t always the case. This can make the treatment particularly complex and calls for more specialist support to help unpick the two behavioural disorders and focus on effective treatment options for both.

The issue with getting treatment for love and sex addictions on the NHS is that it isn’t always recognised easily and other addictions and issues might be picked up first, such as drug or alcohol abuse which can often be used to mask behavioural addictions, but might not amount to an alcohol or drug addiction in itself. Misdiagnosis can be common here, because often it’s alcohol and drug addictions that are more easily recognised and more easily treated.

However, there are certain key symptoms of sex addiction and love addiction that can help inform you if you or a loved one are suffering with a behavioural addiction of this nature – we’ll cover them below.

If you feel you’re dealing with love and/or sex addiction, contact us today and find out how we can help.

  • being compulsive about or obsessed with sex and sexual gratification
  • seeking sex quickly after sexual gratification
  • finding it difficult to feel sexually satisfied
  • having multiple sexual partners
  • engaging in increasingly risky sexual activity
  • spending so much time engaging in or thinking about sex that it begins to effect other areas of your life
  • feeling good whilst pursuing and engaging in sex but facing shame and guilt afterwards
  • dealing with anxiety and restlessness when not receiving sexual gratification
  • excessive masturbation or pornography use
  • being compulsive about or obsessed with seeking love and new romantic relationships
  • cycling through short term romances quickly
  • excessive positive emotions when entering new relationships or spending time with a partner
  • becoming obsessed with your romantic partner often to the detriment of other areas of your life
  • noticing increasing feelings of jealousy and possessiveness with your partner
  • preferring toxic or abusive relationships to being alone, despite knowing your partner isn’t good for you
  • having a history of destructive relationships that can harm your own or another’s mental health
  • having low self esteem when not in a relationship
  • only feeling worthy when in a relationship

Whilst love and sex addictions can leave a person feeling isolated and as though they’ll struggle with these behavioural addictions forever, there are treatments available that have proven to be effective in changing a person’s relationship with love and sex to a much more positive and healthy one. That’s right, you don’t have to abstain from love and sex forever, you can simply build a new, healthier way of navigating them.

At InnerLife Recovery, we can help you overcome your sexual compulsions and love addiction through individualised treatment plans and a holistic approach, teaching you new ways to deal with your compulsive behaviours and instead focus on having a healthy relationship with love and sex.

Clinical Assessment

We start, as all addiction treatments must, by talking through your problems and diagnosing the issue you’re facing. This is key for love and sex addictions as you may be experiencing one or both and it’s important to unpick that so we can create a treatment plan that will actually help you.

Our clinical assessment takes place with a licensed professional at our treatment centre in Spain. Don’t worry, it’s a relaxed chat where you can be completely honest about your experience of love and sex so far, and it’s a chance for us to get to learn your goals for the future.

This assessment is key to ensuring the long term success of your treatment with us.

Our depression treatment model is a little different to the norm, because we believe in taking a whole-person approach. It’s our aim to change your inner life when you work with us, so that you leave our residential treatment centre in Spain with a renewed sense of who you are and a dedicated commitment to keeping depression at bay in the future.

With our team of experts, holistic approach, and after care package included with all treatment stays, you leave InnerLife Recovery with all the tools you need to tackle depression.

Clinical Diagnosis

The first step in treating depression is actually getting a formal diagnosis that allows us to understand the exact nature and severity of your depression and what that looks like for you. Even if you have a formal diagnosis, a member of our clinical team will be able to sit with you to better understand your depression so that an effective plan can be put in place.

Here, if appropriate, a medication treatment plan will be put in place too to support you with your depression treatment moving forwards.

Personalised Treatment Plans

Once we know exactly what behavioural addictions you’re dealing with, we can sit and create a completely individualised treatment plan that directly addresses your issues as you’re dealing with them. This will look different for everybody who comes to stay at our residential rehab centre, even if they’re dealing with similar addictions and behavioural disorders.

What works for one person won’t necessarily work for another, which is why our treatment plans are completely collaborative with you. We’re also incredibly flexible. If part of our treatment plan doesn’t feel like it’s beneficial to you, let our team know and we’ll alter your plan accordingly to find a route out of behavioural addiction that really works for you.

Talking Therapies

A big part of recovery from sex and love addiction is establishing healthy boundaries for yourself. The only way to effectively establish those boundaries and recognise how those boundaries can improve your life and relationships is through talking therapies.

Cognitive behavioural therapy is an excellent way for you to address your unhealthy boundaries with sex and love, helping you to address the thoughts and emotions behind your harmful actions and providing you with alternative ways of dealing with those emotions that doesn’t involve seeking sex or new relationships.

Group therapy can also be incredibly helpful. These sessions act like local support groups, where you can all sit and share your experiences of sex and love addiction – as much as you feel comfortable with – and support each other in sharing the skills and techniques that have helped you.

Holistic Activities

But to really combat sex and love addiction once and for all, our residential treatment options include more holistic activities that help ground you, improve your self esteem, and encourage you to build a healthy relationship with yourself first and foremost.

Additional activities to be included in your treatment plan could include yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, personal training, art therapy and more! These are all activities designed to help you relax, get back in touch with yourself, and focus on something other than your addiction that can help you with tackling emotional issues that might be triggering for you.

Aftercare Packages

We include aftercare support as standard with all of our residential treatment stays. Whilst our treatment centre in Spain is an incredibly effective way of tackling behavioural disorders and addictions such as those surrounding love and sex, you will need support in place after you leave as you adjust to normality again.

Our aftercare support packages are designed to ensure your long term success and to reassure you that support with us doesn’t end the moment you leave our facilities.

When you choose InnerLife Recovery, you’re choosing a team of professionals that’s fully invested in your long term recovery – a team that wants what’s best for you and provides all the tools you need to beat your addiction and keep it at bay.

Our team may be varied, but each individual works towards a common goal: your recovery. From licensed clinical psychologists to expert yoga teachers, every member of our team will provide key skills and techniques that directly impact your recovery and improve your chances of long term success, both during your stay with us and beyond.

If you or a loved one are struggling with love or sex addiction, then contact our team today and find out what we can do to help.