Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee Curtis: Drug addiction and recovery

Jamie Lee Curtis’ addiction struggles began with a prescription for Vicodin following routine plastic surgery, an incident that spiralled into a decade-long battle with drug addiction, specifically opioids. This struggle was made worse by family ties to substance abuse. Her recovery journey began with an acknowledgment of her addiction, which she believes played a key…

Codeine addiction treatment: This image shows a young woman taking prescription medication

Codeine addiction treatment abroad

Codeine addiction treatment is a necessary part of recovery from dependency to the prescription drug codeine. Codeine is prescribed as a moderate pain reliever, sometimes in combination with paracetamol or ibuprofen, to treat pain that over-the-counter medications can’t alleviate. However, the accessibility of these codeine-containing medications, contributes to its longer-term addiction potential. Understanding codeine addiction …

A depiction of steroid use in sports. Illustration intends to depict the debate of steroids versus natural approach to training

Steroids vs. natural: Steroid use in sports

Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are synthetic substances that copy the effects of testosterone. They combine both anabolic effects (promoting muscle growth and strength) and androgenic effects (developing male characteristics). Initially, these steroids were for medical purposes, to treat conditions like delayed puberty, muscle loss due to diseases such as cancer, and hypogonadism, which is a condition…

Picture of Pete Davidson

Pete Davidson: Drug abuse and rehab

Actor and comedian Pete Davidson has shared a series of open and candid discussions about his mental health challenges, rehab, and the impact of his father’s tragic death during the 9/11 attacks which provide insight into the various coping mechanisms that individuals in the spotlight often develop.  Celebrities often face the double challenge of managing…

Ketamine powder with straw

Everything you need to know about: Ketamine

What is ketamine, and is it addictive? Ketamine was discovered in 1962 as a safer way to help people sleep through surgery without causing too many side effects (also known as a surgical anaesthetic). It’s really good at this because it doesn’t stop people from breathing on their own. This drug was used a lot…

Picture of InnerLife Recovery in Marbella Spain addiction treatment abroad

Behavioural addiction treatment abroad – why Spain?

Treatment for behavioural issues requires a deeper look at underlying and root causes, rather than a generic approach. What works for one person is not necessarily going to work for another. Some people are happy, for example, to remain in their hometown and attend a local clinic for treatment. For others, though, recovery means escape….

InnerLife Recovery alcohol and drug rehab in Marbella Spain with an idyllic setting in nature

Why you should attend rehab for cocaine addiction in Spain

Attending cocaine rehab in Spain offers more than just a standard clinical approach to drug recovery. Being in an environment that is conducive to healing can be just as powerful a factor in treatment as any other therapeutic practice.  Cocaine addiction, with its withdrawal symptoms, intense cravings and high potential for relapse, can destroy lives….

Delirium Tremens How to stop alcohol shakes InnerLife Recovery

Delirium Tremens: How to stop alcohol shakes

Delirium tremens is the most powerful symptom of alcohol withdrawal. Translated directly from latin, the term means “a trembling frenzy”. Today, it is more commonly referred to as the alcohol shakes, or alcohol withdrawal shakes. Most medical professionals describe it as a medical emergency because of its life-threatening symptoms.  What is Delirium Tremens? This condition…

social activities for sober living people doing yoga

Sober living: social activities to avoid alcohol

Embarking on the journey of staying sober is a courageous step. Understanding the sobriety definition is key here: it’s not just about avoiding alcohol or drugs, but about nurturing a life where they no longer control you. However, this path is often littered with social activities that can challenge your commitment to sober living. Imagine…

A picture of Russell Brand Celebrities with drug addictions

Celebrities with drug addictions: Russell Brand

Who is Russell Brand? Russell Brand, a 48-year-old Essex native, catapulted to fame as the host of “Big Brother’s Big Mouth.” His career trajectory took him from comedy beginnings at Hackney Empire to Hollywood stardom, and a brief marriage to a renowned pop star. At which time he was infamous for being one among thousands…