The role of family in addiction and recovery

The role of family in addiction and recovery

Addiction is a concern that presents challenges to individuals and also to their families. They often have to manage the ripple effects of living with an addict.  Below, we aim to address the challenges that families face when dealing with the addiction of a loved one. That means from the initial recognition of the problem…

Matt Willis’ addiction journey: From addiction to rehab

Matt Willis’ addiction journey: From addiction to rehab

Matt Willis, the charismatic bassist and vocalist of the pop-punk band Busted, has captivated fans with his music for over two decades. However, behind the scenes, Willis has fought a long and arduous battle with addiction. His story is not just about fame and fortune, but a poignant reminder of the human vulnerabilities that lie…

Famous recoveries: 7 historical and contemporary figures who battled addiction

Famous recoveries: 7 historical and contemporary figures who battled addiction

From famous artists and musicians to influential leaders and pioneers, this article explores how these figures battled addiction. We will explore some of their darkest moments and how they harnessed strength to regain control over their lives.  Sigmund Freud cocaine use Sigmund Freud’s involvement with cocaine began in the 1880s. This was during a time…

Living sober: Sports and how they help

Living sober: Sports and how they help

Living sober is a challenge, requiring more than just willpower. It’s about reshaping your life and habits. Understanding the definition of sobriety is important. It’s not just about avoiding substances, but also about creating a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. This is where the concept of sober living comes into play. It’s a crucial phase that…

The influence of pop culture on porn addiction

The influence of pop culture on porn addiction

The impact of pop culture on society extends beyond entertainment, influencing various parts of daily life and individual behaviour, including addictive behaviours like porn addiction. Pop culture, through various media forms such as film, music, and internet content, plays a significant role in shaping attitudes and behaviours related to pornography use. Porn addiction This refers…

Cara Delevingne on drug use: Addiction and rehab

Cara Delevingne on drug use: Addiction and rehab

In 2022, after images surfaced showing Cara Delevingne in a distressed condition at Van Nuys Airport in Los Angeles, she checked herself into a rehab centre for drugs. At the time, her lifestyle was – by her own admission – quite hedonistic. Intense partying and public appearances which often concealed her internal struggles. Her entry…

How yoga therapy can aid in the addiction recovery process
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How yoga therapy can aid in the addiction recovery process

Yoga therapy training equips practitioners with the skills to address specific health challenges through tailored yoga practices. For those recovering together, couples yoga is an activity that can seriously strengthen relationships. Furthermore, a yoga retreat in the UK or abroad can provide a conducive environment for healing. It combines the benefits of yoga with a…

Jamie Lee Curtis: Drug addiction and recovery

Jamie Lee Curtis: Drug addiction and recovery

Jamie Lee Curtis’ addiction struggles began with a prescription for Vicodin following routine plastic surgery, an incident that spiralled into a decade-long battle with drug addiction, specifically opioids. This struggle was made worse by family ties to substance abuse. Her recovery journey began with an acknowledgment of her addiction, which she believes played a key…

Codeine addiction treatment abroad

Codeine addiction treatment abroad

Codeine addiction treatment is a necessary part of recovery from dependency to the prescription drug codeine. Codeine is prescribed as a moderate pain reliever, sometimes in combination with paracetamol or ibuprofen, to treat pain that over-the-counter medications can’t alleviate. However, the accessibility of these codeine-containing medications, contributes to its longer-term addiction potential. Understanding codeine addiction …

Steroids vs. natural: Steroid use in sports

Steroids vs. natural: Steroid use in sports

Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are synthetic substances that copy the effects of testosterone. They combine both anabolic effects (promoting muscle growth and strength) and androgenic effects (developing male characteristics). Initially, these steroids were for medical purposes, to treat conditions like delayed puberty, muscle loss due to diseases such as cancer, and hypogonadism, which is a condition…